Michael E. Holtby, LCSW, BCDDenverPsychotherapy.net DIVERSION PROGRAMfor Public Indecency & SolicitingCity Attorney's Office, Denver, ColoradoINTERIM REPORT
March 28, 1999 DIVERSION PROGRAM HISTORY: In the Fall of 1997 I was recruited to provide a diversion program for those
individuals arrested for public indecency, as what was being offered up to that
point did not address the fact that most of these men are homosexual. At that
point they were required to attend a class with heterosexual men arrested for
soliciting prostitutes. I began a program which involved addressing the
underlying reasons men seek out anonymous sex in public places with the
recognition that these reasons can cover a gamut of underlying psychodynamics.
The program was successful enough that I was asked in June of 1998 to expand the program to include heterosexual soliciting cases. Since I was seeing each case individually, this did not pose a conflict for the men involved. In January of 1999 I also began to see women arrested for prostitution. NATURE OF THE PROGRAM: With each case I evaluate the individual for a period of two sixty minute
sessions. Prior to the first session I have them complete the following
questionnaires: 1. Basic Participant Information 2. Required Professional Disclosure Form 3. Alcohol Abuse Checklist (Am. Council on Alcoholism) 4. Childhood Abuse Checklist 5. Carnes Sexual Addiction Screening Test 6. Holmes & Masuda Life Change Checklist 7. Burns Relationship Satisfaction Scale 8. Burns Depression Scale 9. Purpose in Life Test 10. Multiple Loss Checklist 11. Social Supports Survey 12. Burns Anxiety Rating Scale Between the first and second interviews I may give them other homework,
depending upon what we discuss -- most typically a Life Script Questionnaire
which has them detail family background, childhood issues, and current attitudes
about themselves. This questionnaire takes participants 30 to 60 minutes to
complete. For the interviews themselves I cover the following areas: 1. Family Background & Current Relationships 2. Primary Relationship History, ie. Marriages etc. 3. Sexual History 4. Interest in Paraphilias and Deviant Sex 5. Physical & Mental Health 6. Mental Status Exam 7. Drug, Alcohol and Other Addictions History 8. General Level of Interpersonal Functioning 9. Self-esteem & Ego Strength 10. Level of Violence Potential 11. Level of Deception and/or Denial 12. Risk of Re-Offending The contents of the interviews are confidential (unless sex with a minor is
reported, or an impending violent threat to a specific individual). The
Diversion Coordinator receives a report from me which does not detail what
actually occurred in our sessions, but specifies if the requirements were met by
the client. I make referrals and recommendations to the client at the end of the
two sessions, but it is entirely up to them whether they follow through on what
was suggested. WHO IS ELIGIBLE? The program is restricted to individuals who admit their guilt, who have no
prior offenses beyond traffic violations, who wish to have their records cleared
upon completion of the program rather than just paying a fine. Payment is due at
the time of the first appointment. See Fees
& Policies WHO ARE THESE MEN? For this report I used a sample of 24 soliciting cases, and 27 public
indecency cases. One of the most interesting aspects of this inquiry is that the
two violations: soliciting prostitutes, and public indecency yielded very
similar men. The biggest difference is that those arrested for public indecency
were 85% gay men. However, they were exactly the same average age, 42 y.o., and
had similar proportions of those in a primary relationship. The heterosexual men
were more likely to be in a relationship (58.33% versus 40.74%), but
unexpectedly the gay men had the longest average number of years in their
relationships: 17 years versus 15.92 years. The range in number of years in a
relationship were also similar: 3 to 31 years for the indecency cases, and 2 to
32 years for the soliciting cases. WHY DO THEY DO WHAT THEY DO? I have narrowed down each case to a single primary reason for the purposes of getting some modal trends. However, human behavior is far from this simplistic and when multi-factors were considered there were a number of other underlying issues besides those highlighted here. For example, depression played a part in 22.2% of the public indecency cases, and alcohol or drug abuse was present in 11.1%. In both types of cases there were also subcultural factors. For gay men there is some social support for anonymous sex. The Kinsey Institute found that one third reported going to the gay baths, 43% cruised the public parks, and 31% looked for sex in pornographic movie theaters at least once a month. Of course this study was published in 1978 and does not accurately reflect today's post-AIDS subculture. However, given the average age of this sample, many of these gay men are a product of those times. Among the straight men soliciting prostitutes, you find a similar phenomena, like the individual who got a prostitute as a gift from his friends at his bachelor party. It was rare that a single factor could be identified, although usually one
factor stood out as primary. Again, what struck me is how many factors
these two groups of offenders shared in common:
BREAKDOWN OF THE PRIMARY FACTORS: 1. CLOSET CASES: This category applied only to public indecency cases and involved gay men who
were often married to women, lived in the suburbs, but were hiding a gay
identity. Their secretive sex with men was the only way in which they could "be
gay", as they were not a part of the gay community or subculture. Since it is
something they feel a great deal of shame about and need to keep secret, social
contacts with other gay men are also out of the question. Here are a few case examples: Public Indecency Case #9: 46 y.o. man who has been in a 25 year marriage. He initially identified
himself as "bisexual", but after additional therapy sessions concluded that he
is, in fact, homosexual. He is very isolated with no friends outside of his
wife. He is also a man who is very subassertive and shy. Both he and his wife
grew up in a very small town, and have lived a somewhat sheltered life. The fact
that they have been married since college, that they lost their first son to a
progressive genetic disorder, as well as their bond to their seven year old
second son has made this man see coming out as not an option. Public Indecency Case #4: 39 y.o. gay man arrested in Cheeseman Park whose behavior is in part due to
probable alcoholism. He is single, lives alone, and is so far in the closet he
dates women. His first sexual experience was with a Catholic Priest when he was
16 y.o. He views himself as a Conservative Republican. His hope is that he can
overcome his shameful desires for men and eventually marry a woman, but as he
gets older he is losing faith in this belief. He cannot face coming out because
all his friends are straight, and he anticipates a disaster if he is known to be
gay in his place of work or within his family. 2. DON'T GET CLOSE: This proved to be the primary factor in roughly one in five of all the cases
in both men arrested for soliciting as well as public indecency. Anonymous sex
is viewed as an expedient sexual release with no emotional involvement and
complications. In many of these cases they involve men who are have a history of
being very "burnt" in previous relationships, like the man who came home from a
business trip to find his wife had left him and stripped their house of
everything down to the bare floors. Or they are men who have seen their parents
in highly conflicted, dysfunctional relationships and as children concluded it
wasn't safe to be too close to anyone. Public Indecency Case #6: 33 y.o. gay man who is "out" with a reasonable support network. However, he
views relationships as "smothering" and seeks anonymous sex for validation, a
sense of "control and dominance"; and due to loneliness. Reports going to
bookstores at a 1x/week frequency. Public Indecency Case #13: 59 y.o. man who views anonymous sex as an acceptable outlet for a single man.
However, when examining why he has been single most of his life, it came out
that his mother died when he was 16 y.o., and he has been through a number of
other losses through people dying. Emotionally, he feels, "If I get involved
emotionally with someone, he'd die." Public Indecency Case #20: This is a 34 y.o., openly gay man who has had two significant relationships
in his life, the longest for four years with a partner he never lived with. In
both instances they "sort of drifted apart". He is not looking for a
relationship, saying he's "too busy" with friends and work. This is probably a
chronically single man who, because of an abusive step father and experiencing a
childhood in which his parents were constantly in conflict, views an intimate,
committed relationship as more negative than positive. He is not a sex addict,
preferring boyfriends for sex. He is also not a barfly, not liking to drink.
However, as a single man he occasionally seeks out casual sex when more
relational sex is unavailable. Soliciting Case #8: 40 y.o. single man who doesn't see any benefit in being in a relationship.
This man is a classic narcissistic personality disorder: grandiose sense of
self-importance, preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, believes he is
"special", has an inflated sense of entitlement, lacking in empathy or ability
to identify with feelings and concerns of others. He is particularly
vulnerability due to going through a significant business and income loss, and
using sex as an ego boost. Soliciting Case #11: 55 y.o. man who married a woman 30 years younger than himself, set her up in
a house in Nashville to launch her singing career only to have her clean it out
and leave him while he was on a business trip... and attempt to do the same to
their home in Utah. This man is traveling almost 100% of the time and many of
his relationships are mutual usury where he will pay the bills for trips etc. in
exchange for a sexual relationship with a much younger woman. He has had
relationships with a number of prostitutes, feeling they are more trustworthy in
that the contract is more above-board. Soliciting Case #18: 73 y.o. divorced man who is alienated from his children. He was a POW during WWII, and still suffers from some PTSD. He said he learned from this experience "don't get involved" because in prison it would be at the risk of your own life, or that person may be dead the next day. This experience, and the fact that when he returned his wife had already remarried (thinking he was dead), he felt trusting others or allowing himself to become emotionally involved with others was at a fairly high risk. And finally, he is half Blackfoot Indian and says culturally, he was taught, that being open with people gives the other person the advantage. A prostitute is uncomplicated, emotionally undemanding and "safe". Another factor for this man is that his distrust of others has lead to isolation that leaves him with no social supports, and he is quite lonely. This is exacerbated by the fact that his identical twin was killed while they were both serving at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed. He described being a twin as a "split soul". 3. ISOLATED: These are men who vary somewhat from the "Don't Get Close" men in that they
would like a relationship, but due to a lack of social skills or a sense of
inadequacy they have been unable to. They also are less likely to have friends,
tend to be much more lonely and spend the majority of their time alone. As a
secondary factor it also is noteworthy that isolation was a factor in 22.2% of
the public indecency cases, and 20.8% of the soliciting cases. Public Indecency Case # 27: 43 y.o. gay man who grew up in a small town, and has an enmeshed relationship
with his mother. He has been diagnosed as chronically depressed by his regular
therapist, and probably also is an avoidant personality disorder. He is "out" as
a gay man, but socially isolated. He was so self conscious he would sit in
silence with contorted facial expressions in a tortured effort to express his
feelings. He lives alone, and is underemployed given his level of education. Soliciting Case # 9: 36. y.o. single man living in mountain town with small ratio of men to women.
This is also an individual who has never dated a woman more than a few months,
and finds himself extremely reticent to relate to anyone he is attracted to. He
is wanting a relationship, and is feeling he is getting older especially in
light of his father's death in his early 50's. He is also prone to addictive
behavior, ie. TV, workaholism, and pornography, which clearly correlates to his
feeling stuck in his life with the relationship aspect unfulfilled. 4. LIFE CRISIS: I found that a life crisis was often the precipitant for sexual acting out,
and it appeared to occur in almost twice as many public indecency cases as those
arrested for soliciting. However, it was present in both. Public Indecency Case #24: (Heterosexual) 36 y.o. heterosexual who left the bookstore because there were too many
people in the booths. He was arrested masturbating, in the dark, in his car, in
the bookstore parking lot. This man was separated from his wife at the time. He
had also gone through a motorcycle accident, which involved 17 major surgeries,
and five years of disability. He is now working as a mechanic making $8.10/hr.,
after having been a highly paid welder. He does not have a pattern of anonymous
sex, or the regular use of pornography. Public Indecency Case #19: (Homosexual) This is a 39 y.o. gay man in a 21 year relationship with a man who has AIDS.
They have an "open" relationship, and this man's partner was arrested last year
in a bookstore for public indecency. Why both of them seek sex outside the
relationship is in part due to a separation of sex and love for both which may
be attributed to coming out in a pre-AIDS culture of promiscuity. This man also
sees a correlation as his partner has gotten sicker in the past six months. He
is less sexually interested, as well as less able to pursue their common
interests (working out & travel); and both men are dealing with anticipatory
grief. Soliciting Case #16: This man's arrest occurred within days of his losing a court battle to keep
his kids from moving out of state with his x-wife, and her fiancee who was
telling his children, "I am your Daddy now." He has three grade school age
children. He is 42 y.o., who has suffered a heart attack from which he hasn't
adjusted, as he continues to have an incurable heart condition which could kill
him at any time. He has a pacemaker, and has recently gone on disability, and
fighting his boss for his benefits. He had previously been quite athletic, and
has had to give up all his active interests. Prior to his disability, he worked
up to 90 hours a week as a restaurant manager. He is divorced from a wife who
has been diagnosed bi-polar and had a number of hospitalizations, and suicide
attempts, whom he is still bailing out when she can't pay her rent etc. 5. NAIVE: These are all soliciting cases in which the men responded to an undercover
police officer posing as a prostitute, and waving at them on the street. In all
these cases the men didn't have enough cash to pay for what they agreed to. They
did agree to sex for money, but intended to drive off without actually
completing the transaction. They were enjoying the attention, and flirting, and
in one instance there was a significant language barrier. Soliciting Case #24: 43 y.o. man who had a spinal cord injury in a car accident leaving him
quadraplegic in '71. In the recent past he has had to go on disability due to
the increasingly degenerative arthritis in his shoulder, causing chronic pain,
insomnia and having to go to a motorized chair. He also has just broken off a
relationship of 2 years. An undercover cop posing as a prostitute waved him
down. He played along because the attention was flattering. He was arrested when
he drove off. I believe him when he says he didn't intend to follow through
because he had no cash on him, and he would have had her get in his van which
has curtains and tinted windows whereas a hotel room would be difficult with his
disability. Soliciting Case #25: 26 y.o. man from Ethiopia whose command of the English language was so bad
his cousin came to translate. He had been waved over on Colfax by an undercover
cop, who asked him for a ride. He thought she was "beautiful" and asked her to
come to his house. He wanted to get to know her. He did agree to have sex for
money, but that is not what he was looking for. He denied ever soliciting a
prostitute here or in his own country, even though it is legal in Ethiopia. 6. SEX ADDICTION: These are all men who scored high on the sex addiction scales devised by
Patrick Carnes, Ph.D., who is probably the foremost professional in this area of
specialization. Sex addicts experience an altered state in the entire ritual of
procuring sex. It is a "high" which keeps them from experiencing the pain in
their lives. A high proportion of them were sexually abused as children, and
among the gay men a high proportion had a significant amount of anonymous sex as
teenagers or upon first coming out in their early twenties. Sex in a
relationship is often not exciting for them, and many don't have sex with their
partners. Like other types addicts, sex addicts often "binge" on sex going for
multiple sexual contacts in a brief period of time, as well as the use of
pornography and frequent masturbation. They often organize their daily
activities around their sex compulsions, devoting an inordinate amount of time,
and thereby inhibiting their productivity at work, and their closeness with
partners. Public Indecency Case #23: 33 y.o. sex addict who answered 17 (out of 25) on the G-SAT. He went into the
booth of an undercover cop at a pornographic bookstore. Through gay sex phone
lines he has been able to arrange daily sexual contacts. This behavior has
increased since last Summer when he broke off a 3 month relationship. He states
he has an "incredible" family of friends, but still feels "empty". His most
significant relationship was 10 years ago with a man who denied his HIV status,
but died of AIDS. They were together 3 years, having unprotected sex. This man
remained HIV-negative, but he sero-converted within the last year, probably from
oral sex with an anonymous partner. He scored a 25 on the depression scale
(clinically depressed), and 65 on the Purpose in Life Test (seeing life without
meaning). Soliciting Case #21: 28 y.o. male who is the classic consequence of early sexual abuse as a child
from the ages of 4-7 y.o. by his adoptive father resulting in a sex addiction.
This young man has always felt love was conditional, and through the abuse love
became sexualized. As he stated, he can "never get enough", which compels him
into a cycle of sexual addiction. He has regularly solicited prostitutes, and
has had multiple affairs most of which were one-night stands. He recognizes he
is an addictive personality and is an x-coke addict, as well as "driven" in his
athletic interests (working out & basketball), as well as in his work. He is
married with a young son. His relationship satisfaction scored relatively low,
and he experiences his spouse as somewhat conditional with her love. They
mutually avoid heart-to-heart talks. He also scored relatively high on
depression scale. 7. STALE RELATIONSHIP: I was impressed by the number of men in long relationships, averaging 14-17
years. However, I found that many of these were "stale" in the sense that they
were emotionally estranged, and the relationships had stopped growing a number
of years before. In some instances, there was still conflict between the
partners and the sexual acting out was a way to unconsciously send a "wake up
call". However in the majority of cases the conflicts had given way to
resignation, and distance. Sex within the relationship had often waned or
stopped entirely. Public Indecency Case #21: (Heterosexual) 51 y.o. straight man arrested for pulling out his penis as a prostitute
approached his car, he said with the intention of urinating. This is a man who
travels 3 days every week, and has been in an ongoing affair with a woman for
four years in Denver. He lives out of state with his wife of 31yrs. He is a very
emotionally closed man whose relationship with his wife is distant and dead. Sex
with her stopped 3 years ago and was minimal before that. He is isolated with no
confidants, and few interests outside work, and he describes himself as a "couch
potato". Their focus has been on the soccer events of their daughters who are
now in college. Two years ago they also went through a bankruptcy due to his
spending while on the road. Public Indecency Case #28: (Homosexual) 46 y.o. gay man with a relationship of 15 yrs. with a man who is 13 years
younger than himself. They have sex infrequently as this man has had a chronic
impotence problem for the past five years. The onset appears to be from a
medical condition. He believes, "if I can't get it up I'm letting him down" so
he just refused all of his partner's sexual advances. He reports that he has
only been to a bookstore on two occasions. On this instance, after a long time
of mutual cruising with an undercover cop, he was arrested for groping the
officer in a booth. He said he feels the bath are "too wild" for him, and he has
never been. This man has a great amount of difficulty talking about his
feelings, emotional needs, or sex including with his partner. He comes from a
family with very little communication, even when his brother was killed in Viet
Nam. He and his partner don't drink or go to bars, and he describes them as
"loners." He has never talked with his partner about his feelings and stated he
told me more than he has told anyone about his inner life. Soliciting Case #17: A 33 y.o. man with two children, ages 18 mths and 3 years. His wife is a bank
vice president and her work combined with her community service activities, she
is home very rarely. This is to the point of spending less than 10 hours per
week with her family. Due to this man's feeling of his parents viewing him as a
burden, he has reacted by being very devoted to his children and is their
primary parent. His soliciting a prostitute was a way to get his wife's
attention, and make it clear to her how serious a problem this is. He is close
to giving her an ultimatum: "Either she gives more time to her family, or they
divorce." IMPLICATIONS FOR TREATMENT: I hope that this report makes it quite clear there are a number of underlying issues which cause men to seek out prostitutes or anonymous sex in a pornographic bookstore or public park. The drag net created by undercover arrests by the Vice Squad is sort of like seine fishing where the net brings up not only the fish you want to eat, but everything else as well. Not only do you get those people who are truly socially undesirable, but also the lonely, naive, inept, and emotionally crippled. For this reason there is no cookie cutter approach which would work with these men: one size does not fit all in these cases. Obviously, in the cases I see where it is their first offense, they are
choosing to see me in lieu of a relatively small fine and a permanent record.
The Diversion Program offers the possibility that they will be "diverted" onto a
path of some form of psychotherapy or recovery program, and stop the behavior
which lead to their arrest. Respectfully Submitted, Michael E. Holtby, LCSW, BCD |
To learn more about sex addictions, see my article on "Sex Addictions and HIV", published in the Shrink Rap Column Last messed with November 15, 2001 Copyright(c) 2001 Michael E. Holtby, LCSW. All rights reserved. |